Saturday 22 February 2014

Tanzanian Safari......PART 9 (the last, at last) no, not quite, last part corrupted so doing again.

24th Jan.
We left the Serengeti Sopa Hotel at 8.00am heading for the Lake Manyara Serena Hotel which was going to take the best part of the day but with a few stops on the way.  The drive out of the Serengeti was through miles of grasslands stretching to all horizons but not much game seen except the odd giraffe and several black-headed herons, Monty's and pallid harriers and various bustards.  However, as we approached the exit gate we started to see herds of zebra and wildebeeste stretching far out to the horizon each side of the road.

Approaching the exit gate we started to see thousands of zebra and wildebeeste.

Apparently, we had bumped into the migration going north into the Mara.

The only cat seen was this lion sitting on its own beside the road not worrying about all the zebra and wildebeeste passing close to it!

Cape rook near the exit.

A brief stop at the exit gate, time for coffee, washrooms and a stretch of the legs, lots of people milling around many of them Americans. We then entered the Ngoro Conservation area which is where people and animals have to co-exist, this allows animals to pass between the National Parks.

Even when we were out of the National Park the animals continued to be seen in vast numbers, there must have been close to a million and we measured the distance from when first seen to when they fizzled out, the measurement being c.25 km!  At that point we started to see goats, cattle and the Maasai villages after that we continued onto Olduvai Gorge, the birth place of mankind.

Olduvai Gorge - the birthplace of man

1 comment:

Martyn Wilson said...

Hi Mike, the 'seedeater' type is a Bishop Looks like an eclipse male Black Bishop!!!