Thursday 2 July 2015

A New Year Tick

1st July

I hadn't seen turtle dove yet this year although I haven't gone looking but I heard about some that could be seen from the car.  Just as well as the temperatures outside rose to 34 degs on the car readout but after making my way there it was true, AC going and viewing from inside the car, I saw six birds on the wires. I took a couple of distant shots but they weren't up to much due to the distance and atmosphere.

Back home I've been lucky to have a family of greenfinches and goldfinches coming to the feeders, I've not seen greenfinches in the garden for a few years so hopefully they will become a regular visitor.

In the evening I took a walk into Church Wood with a few friends finding at least 1 nightjar and woodcock but numbers do seem down as were the moths!  5 glowworms on the walk back though.

2nd July

I went to the patch for a start to the month finding 48 species on the levels and out on the sea. nothing unusual except for 4 BRENT GEESE that flew in from the Sheppey direction then tracked east. Another new tick was an adult redshank with two youngsters just by the outfall otherwise it was all the usual stuff, whitethroats with young, reed warblers, 8 shelduck, 69 curlew, 3 g.c.grebes etc..

c.30 swallows feeding over the cut hay field next to the road plus 6 stock doves and a cetti's

A very territorial whitethroat along SS Lane

My first returning redshank - two babies and mum!

Out on the horizon another c.14 turbines being installed. The ship 'jacks' itself up on the seabed.

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