Sunday 9 January 2022

Marsh Harrier and Peregrine Added to the List

 9th Jan

Surprised to see such a beautiful morning after yesterdays rain so a bit late getting out. I walked up to the sluice at C.Coote with MC  seeing very little except a marsh harrier and an unidentified small flock of geese. At the Coote the c.300 strong flock of wigeon were tucked in around the corner and to the west c100 avocets either side of the creek.

Out on Horse Sands there were a good number of common seals and a handful of brent geese and shelduck but not much else.

The large crow flock was roving about between the fields and the empty mudflats and a c.100 strong linnet flock was feeding in the stubble. After the walk back to the car I made a brief stop at LA where I saw a peregrine fly up onto a pylon.

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